CDD Engineering Services

Singhofen & Associates, Inc. has served as the District Engineer for a number of Community Development Districts (CDD's). Below is a list of services we provide:

  • Civil infrastructure design and permitting
  • Construction administration
  • Preparation of engineering reports
  • Coordination with bond council and CDD
  • Development of cost estimates at various phases of the projects
  • Coordination with the CDD, the developer, and all consultants during construction activities
  • Coordination with inspectors
  • Attendance at CDD Board meetings
  • Verification and allocation of invoice amounts to all appropriate parties
  • Preparation, submission, and tracking of Forms of Requisition (FORs) for the project
  • Coordination with the contractor, vendors, and consultants regarding invoicing to ensure that the project is not delayed due to administrative or invoice issues
  • Review of construction plans for projects in the development to ensure their conformance with the Master Plan
  • Infrastructure assessments and evaluation
  • Roadway failure assessment and recommendation
  • Drainage system failure assessment and recommendation
  • Erosion assessment and recommendation
  • Infrastructure operations and maintenance
  • GIS management services